Since 1981, a trusted dealer in accurately-graded, high quality collectible world currency, fantasy art bills, stocks, bonds, checks, movie money, and more!
Terms of Sale
1a. Payment for shipment to the USA by US buyers (personal check, cashier's check, money order, PayPal*): Payment must accompany order for any items purchased and span class="red">must be in U. S. funds. Checks and money orders may have to clear for up to 10 business days if you are not an established customer or for particularly large orders. Due to recent theft and forgery problems, this can include cashier's checks and postal money orders, especially for larger orders. All checks and money orders must be in U. S. funds drawn on a U. S. bank and must be made payable to Richard J. Reed. *For the convenience of our customers in the United States, we now accept PayPal as a form of payment. PayPal payments may be sent to the following email: rjreed@misterbanknote.com. Always contact us first in the event of a very large payment before using PayPal as this means of payment is restricted due to (a) PayPal charges and (b) fraud possibility. We do not recommend sending cash through the mail. It can get "lost," and therefore all payments sent through the mail are at the buyer's risk.
1b. Payment for shipment to any country outside the USA (PayPal**): If your order is being shipped outside the United States, it is considered a foreign order and falls under payment rules of this section. Payment must accompany order for any items purchased and must be in U. S. funds. International money orders are no longer allowed except that we will accept Canadian postal money orders from our Canadian customers. PayPal will be accepted for smaller orders from foreign buyers in good standing. PayPal payments may be sent to: rjreed@misterbanknote.com. In some cases, we will also accept uncirculated (absolutely brand new!) currency of your country if carefully packed between stiff cardboard and shipped via registered mail; however, you must write first before sending us any currency through the mail. Since there is always some risk, even with registered mail, all payments sent through the mail are at the buyer's risk.
2a. Shipping/Handling (domestic): Please consult our Shipping Information page or use the shopping cart to compute the shipping fee.
2b. Shipping/Handling (foreign): Please consult our Shipping Information page or use the shopping cart to compute the shipping fee. Note that we have limits of sales to most areas outside the USA. First time buyers, please limit your total purchase to under $35.00 so that we can make certain your orders will be delivered safely. In some instances, depending on your location, we may not be able to ship by certain methods or may not be able to ship at all if your country bans the import of certain items. All foreign orders are shipped at the buyer's risk. Coins and some other items are not normally shipped outside the USA due to weight and risk of theft.
3. Insurance: (available for domestic orders only): $50 worth of insurance is included free with any order sent via priority mail. We may elect to self-insure or to insure larger orders at our expense. On very large, expensive orders, we may send by registered insured mail.
4. Sales tax: Florida residents, please add 7% to your order for state sales tax. Florida dealers submit a signed & dated copy of your valid tax resale certificate in lieu of the tax. PayPal payments which do not include the necessary sales tax will be rejected. We cannot accept a small second payment via PayPal to add the tax to the original order as we are charged separately for each PayPal payment we accept.
5. Return privilege: Full 30-day return privilege except on bullion/bullion-rated coins and bulk lots of unattributed banknotes, checks, coins, tokens, stocks & bonds, etc. Attributed lots may be returned during the return privilege period only as an intact group (no cherry-picking the best ones and sending back the rest - yes, it has happened!). Bulk lots of circulated items are not returnable unless specifically stated in the writeup and are sold as is. Items which are purchased by special discount and subsequently returned may be cause for revocation of the discount for the remaining items which the customer keeps, if the final sale is less than the minimum required to obtain the discount. Large lots that are returnable, and are returned, may be subject to a 15% restocking fee. NOTICE: Any extra fees for postal charges, insurance, or registration fees cannot be refunded.
6. Availability: Please give second choices if possible when mailing in orders as some items are one of a kind and are sold on a first come, first served basis. We also reserve the right to restrict quantities or withdraw items from sale for any reason.
7. Guarantee: All items advertised and sold by us are guaranteed genuine unless otherwise stated. Novelty money, movie prop notes, fantasy art bills, replicas, etc. will be described as such.
8. Catalog #s: All world notes use catalog numbers quoted from latest editions of The Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, volumes 1, 2, and volume 3 except for some U. S. obsolete notes or unless otherwise stated. Occasionally due to an old, out-of-date listing, a catalog number may be no longer valid or could have been listed in error, so it's best to confirm with us first via email that the note is the one you want, if there's any question in your mind. Also, some number changes have been made over the years by the catalog publishers and occasionally some notes in our stock don't get updated with new catalog numbers.
9. Pricing: Prices can be verified with us prior to purchase via email, since occasional price changes, possible typographical errors, or in the rare event that the web site has somehow been altered by a hacker can cause a price listed on the website to be incorrect. Sale prices are not available after deadline dates if so published.
10. Scans: Some scans on this site are of the actual item being sold when it is a one-of-a-kind (particularly scarcer or some circulated items). But for many bills, a generic scan is all that is used due to time constraints. Since time is money, it's just not profitable for a dealer to individually scan each of a group of notes that may be selling for less than a dollar to a few dollars each. There are only so many hours in a day and a dealer needs to use them wisely in order to remain in business. So some of our scans have been borrowed from a fellow dealer friend (he has been compensated for the use of his scans). If you require a specific series, signature, serial number, or other variety, please contact us first to verify that we can provide it, because the image you see may not be the exact item you receive.
NOTICE: We will often accept certain better world banknotes and bulk lots of notes and bullion coins in trade for some of our advertised items. Please write with details on what you have and make sure the value, time, & effort in making the trade are worth it to both of us. For example, an offer to trade two world notes valued at 25 cents each retail in exchange for something from my list will probably be graciously refused! Please write first and tell us what you have.
VERY IMPORTANT! Please make all checks/money orders payable to Richard J. Reed. We do not recommend sending cash through the mail. It can get "lost."
Contact Info
Email: rjreed@misterbanknote.com
Mailing Address: Richard J. Reed
PO Box 52438
Sarasota, FL 34232-0320
Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 8AM - 5PM
(Eastern Standard Time)